You know what? I fucking broke my toe yesterday while doing Kirikaeshi. It got trapped by the Hakama when I moved forwards. Whether the twisted toe then hit the floor and worsened the injury, which lead to the brokage I don't know. It was bad luck. And a lesson --
never lift your right foot higher than you needed to go forwards!!
Pity I was full of ambition to improve my wazas yesterday and this happen. Well, thinking of it now, it's kind of funny. This is actually the first time I broke something, and thankfully, no operation was needed. Here I post the X-ray scan taken by the othopedist this morning. Very monumental. See that crack on the second toe?

At the same time
I had the cortisone injection for my trigger finger problem on my left little finger. The needle was hell-wide! Six hours afterwards the "triggering" is still there. Hope it'll take effect soon. [Edit 19 March 2009: after being corrected by Aki Suzuki Sensei the way I do the tenouchi when I was in Tokyo, my trigger finger problem has almost gone away. The problem with my tenouchi was that I didn't twist my left hand inwards enough. And when doing the tenouchi, the muscle at the root of the thumb should squeeze towards the little finger.]
So the broken toe will put me out of practise for about four weeks. Maybe after two weeks I can do some Suburi with the footwork.
1 comment:
Hello Ivan !
I have the same situation now ...... My little toe of right foot was broken on 22-March, now the broken parts have been mounted together (after 6 weeks). Howvever, doctor said 4 more weeks are required for complete recovery ...... May I know how long you took for your recovery in the past ? I mean how long you restart Kendo practice (including Keiko) after the accident ? Thanks !
Best regards,
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