The session is led by Yoshimura sensi, hachidan, every Wednesday. There were two other sensei's sitting at the higher place, Guy Roland and Jean-Pierre Labru, both 6th. Mr. Roland is also the president of the dojo. Dominik sat at the second place of the students' side, which means that there is another person with 5th or 6th Dan.

I stood at the entrance watching them training while taking some notes. All the time I felt extremely excited and tense, trying to absorb as much as I could by watching. At times, I think I almost kiai-ed with them.
The following is a run-through of what they did in the session:
- First 30 mins: Some warming up, and then Men- and Do-Kirikaeshi.
- Next 30 mins: (1) Shindachi one step in (seme) and strike Men. The Men-strike should be executed before the Nakayuis meet each other. (2) Motodachi one step in and strikes Men. The Shindachi strikes debana-men.
- Next 30 mins: (1) Suriage-waza: suriage-men or -do. (2) Kakari-keiko. The Shindachi is changed upon the whistle which happened roughly every 30 seconds.
- Last 30 mins: Jigeiko.
There were about 20+ kenshi practising. The overall standard is very high. It's a real pity that I couldn't train with them, but hopefully some time soon!