- Bring the whole body forwards. Use the left foot to push the hip.
- My right foot can take a larger step with a more convincing fumigomi.
- Use the wrist more to achieve a more sudden and slappy strike.
- Punch forward after the strike to reduce the chance of the opponent counter-striking men.

This training was Yoda's last training with us. He will leave for Japan on 28th of August. All the best to him!
A couple of video clips with Yoda:
(1) Yoda and I - finished with his brilliant debana-kote.
(2) Yoda and Stephan - Yoda used first a katsugi-waza and then a spot-on men-strike.
Ivan, Thanks for posting the videos. It is great that you are video-taping and use it to analyse your performance.
Just one thing I noticed, try keeping your left foot pointing to the front. Don't shift weight between front and back foot in a rhythm as your opponent may be able to pick up your timing.
Good keiko, and especially great spirit. Gambarimasu!
Vivian, thanks for the advices! I'll try to correct them in the next training.
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