It was exhilurating to hear from a friend that Ozawa Sensei had just passed, what is said, the most difficult examination in Japan, the 8th Dan kendo test. I asked another friend to check the internet to see if it was indeed real, when he confirmed it. I was so excited! Finally!! There were 1530 total examinees over the two days and only 21 people passed.
I called Ozawa Sensei to congratulate him, and he sounded very happy, but "tiring" he said. I bet! The next thing that entered my mind was, I need to practise harder and not disappoint Ozawa Sensei nor Ho Sensei or anyone whom I look up to.
Hello Ivan!
I've been waiting a while to comment on your blog, as I wanted to finish it all before introducing myself. My name is Chris and I'm from Washington State, USA. I've been reading through your entire blog for the past month or so and you really are an inspiration!
I've been doing Kendo for about a year now, and after reading your blog for a while I finally decided to start my own blog (I had been thinking about doing one for a LONG time). You're welcome to check it out if you'd like.
A lot of what you write here sounds like a what I've gone through, am going through presently, or can hope to go through in the future, and I've enjoyed reading every post. I actually saw this about Ozawa Sensei on the Kendo World page, and thought of you, as it was in your posts that I first heard about Ozawa Sensei. How very cool to have met and trained with these people!
Keep up the good work, and I look forward to reading more posts from you in the future! Maybe someday our paths will cross and we can share jigeiko, and a beer afterwards =)
Hi Chris,
thank for the compliment, and I'm very glad you like the blog. I just read your blog and think it's great! I hope you enjoy training as much as I do, and perhaps we will have the chance to train together one day. Until then take care!
Thanks for the compliment, as well, and I'm using my blog as mostly a journal for myself to look back and reflect on, but I made it public so that other people might benefit from it, as well. I have benefited from reading your blog and other online articles, and I want to share that with others, too.
Keep up the good work!
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